Join the Celebration: Rosebud Valley Marks 50 Years as an Iconic Tourist Destination with Jubilee Festivities and Rich Cultural Offerings

August 4 - 6, 2023

Experience the rich history and cultural legacy of Rosebud by visiting this iconic destination during its first Jubilee celebration. Don't miss the chance to make new memories and friendships while taking in the music, theatre, and natural abundance of the valley. Join us in celebrating the past, present, and future of Rosebud.


Meet & Greet

3:00 - 4:30 | Community Hall

Syringa Tree


4:30 - 6:30 | Studio Stage

Special alumni pricing available, call Rosebud Theatre’s Box Office to book 1-800-267-7553.


5:30 | Hall

Sound of Music


8:00 - 10:15 | Opera House

Special alumni pricing available, call Rosebud Theatre’s Box Office to book 1-800-267-7553.


9:30 | Ball Diamond

Food (Entire Day)

No breakfast provided. The community centre will be open if you want to get your own breakfast there (there is some fridge space if you need).

Eat lunch and supper at your convenience during the day from the on-site food truck provided by BertaBurritos. They will have gluten-free menu items.

Various activities throughout the day:

Walking Tour: the west campus - BMO Stage, set shop, costumes, etc.

Around town, visiting old haunts, swimming hole(s), obstacle course (if we can find it), baseball game, lots of visiting, cemetery, museum.

Lewis & Royal

Open-Air Concert


Special alumni pricing available, call Rosebud Theatre’s Box Office to book 1-800-267-7553.

Syringa Tree


4:30 - 6:30 | Studio Stage

Special alumni pricing available, call Rosebud Theatre’s Box Office to book 1-800-267-7553.

Sound of Music


8:00-10:15 | Opera House

Special alumni pricing available, call Rosebud Theatre’s Box Office to book 1-800-267-7553.
If you are not attending any of the three available shows, we will have an open stage at the community centre for sharing and music, etc.


9:00 | Ball Diamond

Bring your own lawn chairs.  Hot chocolate/iced tea and cookies will be provided.

Food (Entire Day)

No breakfast provided. The community centre will be open if you want to get your own breakfast there (there is some fridge space if you need).

Eat lunch at your convenience from the on-site food truck provided by BertaBurritos. They will have gluten-free menu items.


10:30 | Church

As in camper days we will all attend the Rosebud Church 10:30 am.  
The Scripture reading for that Sunday is Hebrews 12:1-2 NIV  Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

During the Day

Visit the Akokiniskway Gallery show and see the camping/high school displays.

Lions Club Dinner

5:30 | Hall

Beef-on-a-bun, salad, etc. and dessert. Price for food will depend on numbers.

Farewell's & Departures